Airtable user authentication challenge page
  • 14 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro
  • PDF

Airtable user authentication challenge page

  • Oscuro
  • PDF

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Resumen del artículo

Our top priority is maintaining the security and privacy of Airtable and our customer's data. The authentication challenge page is designed to detect and block malicious activity and requiring users to confirm their accounts.

What does the challenge look like?

You should see a dialog box with the header "Verify it's you" and instructions to “Press and hold button."


By clicking the button and holding it until complete, your account will be verified and you will continue to the Airtable login as expected.


The challenge isn’t working for me. What’s happening?

This may be happening because:

  • Javascript is disabled or blocked by an extension. For example, ad blocker extensions can be a blocker.

  • Your browser does not support cookies or cookies have been disabled.

Please make sure that Javascript and cookies are enabled on your browser and that you are not blocking them from loading. Below, there are links on how to adjust settings for some popular browsers.

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If the security challenge does not display correctly or continues to pop up repeatedly, we recommend that you open a support ticket using the link provided on the challenge page.

Why is the challenge reappearing?

Occasionally, you may see the challenge page reappear after 15 minutes. If so, complete the challenge again to verify your account. If you continue to see the security challenge, proceed to the next question regarding what to do if the challenge isn’t working.

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