Mobile interfaces in Airtable
  • 25 Mar 2024
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Mobile interfaces in Airtable

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Article summary

Plan availability

All plan types/levels


Please consult this support article for a breakdown of Interface Designer permissions.


Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app, iOS and Android apps

Related reading

Using mobile interfaces in Airtable

This article covers using mobile interfaces in Airtable to streamline your team's and organization's work.

Mobile interfaces overview

Mobile interfaces in Airtable allow for mobile-optimized versions of Airtable's web and desktop experiences with no configuration from interface builders or collaborators.

Using interfaces on mobile allows users to do things like:

  • Review and take immediate actions, like reviewing open bugs and assigning DRIs.

  • Edit or update field data.

  • Add records through forms.

  • Approve or reject proposed copy and assets for things like marketing launches or sales campaigns.

  • Comment or respond to project collaborators.

  • Search for, review, and share related project tickets, information, etc., with collaborators.

  • Update project statuses and provide relevant feedback.

Mobile interfaces feature availability by platform




Interface - list view

Interface - calendar view

Interface - grid view

Interface - gallery view

Interface - kanban view

Interface - form

Interface - record detail view

Interface - chart

Interface - number

Interface - inbox view

Interface - sharing

Using mobile interfaces

  1. Open the Airtable app on your mobile device.

  2. Locate your preferred interface from the Airtable app home screen.

  3. Tap your preferred interface to open.

Once your interface is open, you can view full-screen pages of list, gallery, calendar, or kanban elements and search and filter records using the tab or dropdown filter elements.


Are you able to edit an interface via the mobile iOS or Android apps?

No. Creators are unable to edit the configuration of an interface via the app. The mobile app is only designed for end-users/contributors with access to the interface.

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