Results (482)

Interface element: Button

Interface elements
” button action instead. Toggle on the “Open in new tab” option to force the interface page to open in a new tab rather than load the page on the current tab. By default, this option is toggled on, but there may be use cases where you want this option off. Go to external URL Once you’ve reach the button configuration properties, give the button a descriptive “Label” so that end users know what the button does. Under the Action section, optionally require confirmation. Learn more about configuring button confirmation here . You can also change the “Action” to another available button action type if needed. In the Data section, there are two settings to configure: Choose the URL “Destination” that end users will access when this button is clicked. We always recommend inserting URLs with the https:// prefix here. Toggle on the “Open in new tab” option to force

Formula writing tips for beginners

Formula Foundations
This article covers tips to help you learn how to use Airtable formulas to streamline your team's and organization's work. Introduction Plan availability All plan types  Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app  Related reading Getting started with formulas  Formula foundations Formula field reference   Using curly brackets to reference field names Using curly brackets When referencing a field, it's a best practice to surround the field name with curly brackets (e.g. {Due Date} ). However, there are a few aspects of referencing fields that you'll need to know when writing Airtable formulas. For fields with only a single word or character (e.g. no spaces in the field name), you don't have to add curly brackets around the field name. See the animation below showing a reference to the date field without brackets. IF(NOW() > Date, "Overdue", " There's still time!") If

Attachment fields in Airtable

Plan availability All plan types Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app Related reading Airtable field overview Airtable terminology Attachment - A file that's stored and displayed as part of a record. An attachment field is a type of field that allows you to attach one or more files directly to a record. Adding attachment fields in Airtable Adding attachment fields Visit your Airtable homepage . Create or open your preferred base. Add or edit a field . Search for select Attachment . Click Create field . Uploading attachments in Airtable Uploading attachments NOTE We currently support individual attachments up to 5GB in size. You can upload any file type into an attachment field, but only certain file types can be displayed within Airtable. Learn about which file types are able to be viewed in this article . Visit your Airtable homepage . Open your preferred base. Click the + icon in the record

Airtable Betas

Airtable Betas

Airtable automation actions: Outlook

Integrated Actions
Plan availability All plan types with varying limitations Permissions Owners/Creators - Create, delete, duplicate, configure, or rename an automation and edit an automation's description. Editors - View an automation's configuration or copy an automation's URL. Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app  Related reading Creating an automation - Learn how to set up your first automation in Airtable. Outlook automation triggers Learn how to use Airtable Automations with Outlook to: Send an email in Outlook Email Create an event in Outlook Calendar Update an event in Outlook Calendar Note If your organization uses Microsoft Exchange email servers , only the cloud-based version of that service will work with our Automations feature. On-prem Microsoft Exchange servers are currently not able to integrate with Airtable. Setting up an automation to use an Outlook action Step 1: Create a new automation T o start creating an automation, from

User field type

Select and user fields
Plan availability All plan types  Only Business and Enterprise Scale plans users can reference non-base collaborators in a user field. Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app Related reading Field type overview Managing Airtable notifications Creating custom notifications using Airtable automations Airtable billing overview Adding user fields in Airtable The user field allows you to select one or more collaborator and non-collaborator names from an automatically generated dropdown list of users. This article covers how to use user fields to streamline your team's and organization's work. Adding user fields Visit your Airtable homepage . Create or open your preferred base. Add or edit a field. Search for and select User . From here, you can toggle the "Allow adding multiple users" button ON/OFF to permit or remove adding multiple users per record. Additionally, you can toggle the "Notify users with base access when they

Using record templates in Airtable

Record templates
Plan availability Paid plans only Permissions Owners/Creators - Can configure new record templates, modify existing templates, delete record templates, and add or apply them to the base. Editors - Can add or apply previously configured record templates to the base. Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows App Related reading A general understanding of our linked records feature . Date dependencies Airtable terminology Template - A template is a predefined schema of static (default) information that can create the same set of records over and over again by utilizing linked record relationships. Sub-record - Using the parent/child relationship schema, sub-records are the child. Linked record fields are necessary for sub-records to be configured and created. Apply - The action of having a record template's configuration overwrite a given record. If sub-records are involved, then applying the template will also create those predefined records associated with the template

Third-party integrations via OAuth overview

Integration services
Note If you are a developer looking to build an OAuth integration with Airtable and this is your first time testing OAuth functionality we recommend reading through the OAuth reference and utilizing the example setup repo . OAuth integrations allow users to grant API access to their Airtable resources with third-party services. In addition, with OAuth Integrations, users can control what resources third parties can access while allowing them to revoke access at any time. Introduction Plan availability All plan types/levels Permissions Collaborator permissions are needed to use OAuth Integrations as described in the article below Platform(s) Web/Browser Related reading Review this article if you are a developer looking to create an OAuth integration Authorizing third-party services Third-party integrations are initiated by the third-party requesting access to your Airtable resources, allowing you to share access to specific workspaces and bases.  Granting access to

Timezones and locales in Airtable

Working with timezones
This article covers how to work with and troubleshoot timezones to streamline your team's and organization's work. Introduction Plan availability Insert plan types this feature is available to Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app  Related reading Getting started with formulas Formula foundations Options for displaying dates in Airtable  Options for displaying dates All dates are stored in Airtable in Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT . But, how you choose for them to display in your base is a field-level setting that will affect all collaborators. You can have dates display either: In collaborators' local time , so the datetime will appear different for viewers in different timezones, adjusted from GMT As the same for everyone , done by switching on the "Use the same timezone for all collaborators" toggle shown below, in the field's customization menu. Here are a few facts related to this: There

How to add and configure the Gantt view

Gantt View
Plan availability All paid plans Permissions Owners/Creators - Can create, delete, modify, lock/unlock, and print views Editors - Can create, delete, modify, and print views Commentors - Can create, delete, and modify their own personal views Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app What is a Gantt view? A Gantt chart is a type of horizontal bar chart that uses bars to visualize a schedule of certain activities (tasks, projects, events, resource expenditures, etc.) over time. The length and position of each bar shows the start date, end date, and duration of each activity, and the bars are stacked into rows in such a way that you can easily see at a glance which activities overlap and for how long. With the Gantt view in Airtable, you can visualize a schedule of related activities over time — like tasks, projects, or events — on a Gantt chart. You can use

List view overview

List view
rd in a List view is called (i.e. "Task" vs. "Record") use the customized terminology feature . Interacting with a List view Now that you have a List view created, there are a few ways to interact with the view. Keep in mind that the ability to perform the actions listed below will depend upon each user's permissions .  Create new records There are a few different ways to add records in the List view: New records can be added to levels 2 and 3 using the +  actions below the last record in each level (shown below as +Add task and +Add feature  on the left side). To add new records for any level use the blue and white plus button in the bottom right corner of the view. Finally, pressing Enter at the end of the first column's text field will make a new record (similar to shift

Using app library and components in Airtable

General Enterprise information
Plan availability Enterprise Scale plans only Permissions Consult this section for more information about the various user roles and permissions associated with this feature. Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app Airtable terminology Managed app - A pre-configured schema that typically consists of a base, interface, and automations meant to be implemented as a holistic, ready-to-use app. Managed component - A pre-configured Airtable building block in Airtable that represents a subset of an app (and can be installed into an existing app). Three types of components are supported: managed fields, managed tables, and custom components (which may contain any combination of tables, automations, and interfaces). Component library - The collection of managed apps and components that have been published at your organization. Development base - A special type of base that is used to publish a managed app or component. Each managed app or component has its own

Airtable admin panel overview

Admin panel pages
ions, please read our this support article .

Multiple select field

Select and user fields
Plan availability All plan types Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app  Related reading Field type overview   Supported field types in Airtable overview  Airtable field actions Airtable terminology Field type - A field type specifies the kind or format of data stored in a given field — for example, long text, date, multiple select, or attachment Multiple select fields in Airtable  In Airtable, fields allow you to organize all the details for any record in your base, so they can easily be sorted, managed, and analyzed. In this article, learn specifically about Airtable's multiple select fields and how to use them. Multiple select fields are similar to a single select field—allowing you to choose from a preselected list of options. Unlike a single select field, you can select as many options as you'd like per cell. Adding multiple fields in Airtable Visit your Airtable homepage .  Create

Field Manager and field dependencies

Fields Overview
Plan availability All paid plans, but certain features are only available to Enterprise Scale and Business plans as outlined in this article Permissions Owners/Creators Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app Use cases for field manager and dependencies The field manager is a surface in Airtable focused on table configuration — giving users more control over permissions and settings for things like schema fields and field configurations . The field manager and dependencies can be used to: Bulk field delete  Update field permissions  Review a complete list of fields connected to a table Locate relevant fields to update through filtering and sort by different criteria Identify if a calculated field is broken Identify which objects are dependent on a specific field before making changes to or deleting a field Identify who created or last modified a specific field Accessing the field manager To access the field manager from

Third-party Extensions

Third-party Extensions

Interface element: Kanban

Interface elements
Note The information below covers legacy Interface Designer features. In some cases, you may find that element-based layouts lack certain functionality. If you are looking for the best and most well supported interface features, then we recommend using newer interface layout types covered in this article . Plan availability All plan types/levels Permissions Please consult this support article for a breakdown of Interface Designer permissions. "Owner" or "Creator" permissions are needed to create interfaces as described in the article below Platform(s) Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app Related reading Interface Designer overview - A general overview of the Interface Designer feature Adding and removing elements in interfaces - The basics of elements in interfaces Configuring elements in interfaces - A broad understanding of interface elements Note This element is only available in element-based Blank, Record review, and Record summary layouts. Kanban elements are similar to the kanban view

Airtable Sync integration: Google Drive

Standard sync integrations
der from: Shared Drives” when setting up the Google Drive sync. How many files can be synced from a selected folder? Airtable will sync up to 10,000 files from the selected folder. This ensures that the synced table remains performant.

Deleting your Airtable account

Managing your account
NOTE Business and Enterprise Scale organizations have additional user management options on the admin panel . Before you can delete your account, you may need to transfer ownership of workspaces that you are the sole owner of. If your workspaces or bases are shared with other people, deleting your account will not delete those workspaces and bases. To delete those workspaces or bases, you must remove all shared users from each one and then delete your account. Deleting your Airtable account To delete your account via or the Airtable desktop app: Open your Airtable account overview . Click Delete your Airtable user account . For security reasons, you will be required to sign in with your email and password again. Next, you will need to confirm you want to delete your permanently. Click Yes, confirm deletion of my account . To delete your account via the Airtable iOS app: NOTE Deleting or

Use case-specific guides

Use case-specific guides