Accessing Enterprise audit logs in Airtable
  • 03 May 2024
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Accessing Enterprise audit logs in Airtable

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Plan availability

Enterprise Scale plan only


Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app

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Audit logs in the admin panel

Airtable Enterprise audit logs allow admins to monitor activity within their organizations. Audit logs are accessible through your reports' page in admin panel or programmatically through Airtable's API.

Learn how to review, generate, and download your organization's audit log.

Accessing audit logs in the admin panel

  1. Visit your admin panel.

  2. Click Reports.

    1. Your organization's audit log is available on the second row of reports.

Generating audit logs in the admin panel


Generating reports can take up to 10 minutes. Once your report is available, you'll receive an email confirmation. 

  1. From your admin panel, click Reports and select the "Audit log" panel.

    1. From here, choose your preferred lookback period or custom date range.

    2. You can filter for specific users or use the “More search options” option for specific event categories.

  1. Click Search

A new page opens, showing all the events matching your query parameters. You can change your query or create additional filters in the returned events using the dropdowns.


You are limited to 10,000 events via the admin panel interface. If you need to download more, add more filters to your data, or consider using the audit log API.

You can also click on any event's row to open a more detailed view of the event.

Downloading audit logs in the admin panel


Admins can immediately download audit log reports for the current day or generate a new report for a different date, as discussed in the previous section.

  1. Once your report is available, click Download report

  2. Open the CSV in your preferred application.

Audit log CSV data

  • ID 

  • Timestamp 

  • Action 

  • Payload version 

  • Model ID 

  • Model type 

  • IP address 

  • User agent 

  • Action ID 

  • Workspace ID 

  • Base ID 

  • Interface ID 

  • User ID 

  • User email

  • User full name 

  • Payload 

Accessing and generating audit logs via Airtable's API

Check out our Audit log integration guide to learn more about using Airtable's API to access and generate audit logs.


What format are the event logs in and can they be customized?

Event logs are in a CSV format when downloaded from the Admin Panel and returned in JSON format when retrieved via the API.

Can I filter the event logs to only show specific types of events?

Yes, filter events by modelID and date in the Admin Panel, or use parameters like originatingUserId and eventType with the API.

What's the best way to limit a query range?

To limit a query to a particular time range, you can supply startTime and/or endTime. These should be supplied in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2023-01-20T15:58:30Z.

Is there a limit to the amount of event logs that can be streamed and stored?

The API has standard Web API rate limits with 1000 events per response and pagination for more results.

How often are the event logs updated in the stream?

Events are updated in near real-time, with a delay of a few minutes at most.

What is Airtable's retention period for audit log events?

Audit log events are stored and searchable for 180 days.

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