Created time and Created by fields in Airtable
  • 21 Nov 2023
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Created time and Created by fields in Airtable

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Resumen del artículo

This article covers using the created time and created by fields to streamline your team's and organization's work.


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Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app 

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Airtable terminology

Field - A field contains details or metadata for each record in a table. Fields come in a variety of types, storing data in the form of text, single- or multi-selects, images, checkboxes, numbers, user tags, and more. 

Adding created time fields in Airtable

Adding created time fields


The created time field type automatically shows a record's creation date and time—applicable to manually created records and records created via form submissions, APIs, and other integrations. Like the date field, you can customize the date format, include a time stamp, and use the same time zone for all collaborators.

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage

  2. Create or open your preferred base.

  3. Add or edit a field.

  4. Search for and select Created time. 

    1. From here you can can select the date format, opt to include the local time, use the same time zone for all collaborators, and display the time zone. 

Adding created by fields in Airtable

Adding created by fields


The created by field automatically shows which collaborator created a record within the base.

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage.

  2. Create or open your preferred base.

  3. Add or edit a field.

  4. Search for and select Created by.

  5. Click Create field.



Keep in mind that if a created by record shows the creator as "anonymous," the record was created through a form submission.


A created by field shows I created it, but I don't remember adding it to the base. What is likely the problem?

Any record created using your account information will show you as a collaborator. Suppose you have set up an integration using your API key. In that case, all records created from the integration is associated with you. If you would like to make it easier to keep track of record additions through the API, you have a couple of options:

  • You can create an Airtable account for the API with a different email and use an API key generated from that account.

  • You can add a field named source in an API request to add free text of where the record came from. The created by field won't change, but you could filter on the new source field instead.

Why is there an empty created by record in my base?

When a created by record is empty, it indicates the record predates the created by feature. Records in your bases created before the created by field became available in June 2020 will return blank values.

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