Date field type
  • 06 Dec 2023
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Date field type

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Article summary

The date field allows you to enter dates and times into your Airtable records. This article covers using date fields to streamline your team's and organization's work. 


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Adding date fields in Airtable

Adding date fields


As a default, newly created date fields attempt to use your browser's local language when selecting the local format for dates. To update the default format, you will need to change your browser's language settings.

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage.

  2. Create or open your preferred base.

  3. Add or edit a field.

  4. Search for and select Date.

  5. Click the icon under the “Date format” section and select your preferred format.

    1. Additionally, you can toggle the "Include time" button ON/OFF to include or remove the record's creation time.

      1. Click the icon under the “Time format” section and select your preferred format.

    2. You can also toggle the “Use the same time zone for all collaborators” button ON/OFF.

    3. Lastly, you can opt to display the time zone by toggling ON/OFF the “Display time zone” button.

  6. Click Create field.

Adding dates into date fields


Dates before 1/1/0000 aren’t supported in date fields.

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage.

  2. Open your preferred base.

  3. Double-click the blank record you want to update and select your preferred date.

    1. Alternatively, you can enter your preferred date by typing it (11/15/23).


What format do date field values appear in when used in automations?

Regardless of the format chosen in the date field’s settings, dates in automations will appear in ISO formatting that is in parity with how Airtable interacts with the date(time) on the backend. If formatting is very important to the way an automation is displayed in the output of your automation, then we suggest creating one or more formula fields to control for this on the front end (what is feeding the automation the value) and/or the end result. Check out the DATETIME_FORMAT() formula article for some ideas.

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