All paid plans with varying limitations | |
Owners/Creators - This is the recommended permission level for troubleshooting syncs in Airtable. To create or update synced table configurations, you'll need to have creator permissions in the base(s) where you are setting up the sync. Editors - Users with editor permissions can configure share links to allow creators the ability to sync that source view in other bases, but they are unable to configure destination/target syncs. | |
Platform(s) | Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app |
Tips for troubleshooting syncs
Occasionally, users may run into error messages or issues with their sync setup. To help repair the status of your sync and get things running as expected, these troubleshooting tips can help address the bulk of sync issues that users experience.
Determine the sync’s source
Is the source of your synced table another Airtable base or is it potentially an integrated application?
Has the sync connection been disrupted at all?
This can be determined by a visible error icon ⚠️ on the synced table. The sync’s share link may have been removed or re-generated at the source, or its settings may have been modified. For sync integrations, we encourage you to check that the source dataset hasn’t been deleted or changed and that your account is still valid.
Reconnect/re-authenticate the sync
For sync issues where the source is another Airtable base, re-authenticating the sync may solve the issue.
Something to keep in mind if your sync has many targets depending on it, re-authenticating (or regenerating) a syncable view share link will affect all syncs dependent on your source view. Users will need to update all sync targets dependent on this view if you regenerate the source view share link.
To re-authenticate, you’ll need to create a new syncable view share link in the source. Once you’ve copied the new share link, navigate back to the sync target table. Click the dropdown next to the target table, click Update sync configuration, and provide the new link in the sync’s source.
If your sync source is an integrated application, like Salesforce or Google Drive, we’ve found that disconnecting the integrated application from your account and then reconnecting it can help.
You can read more about managing connected accounts here. Once you’ve reconnected the account, try creating a test synced table in your base. Whether you’re using the same source dataset or a different dataset, testing in a new synced table can bridge the connection between the two applications again.
Check sync limitations and permissions
A change may have been made to the sync’s source settings or your organization’s sync permission settings.
We encourage you to read up on sync permissions here, to see if one of these scenarios may be impacting your current base setup.
Additionally, you may be running into a sync limitation prompting an error message or performance issues for the sync. You can find information on our general sync limitations here, and specific limitation information for sync integrations in their respective categories in the knowledge base:
Understanding common error messages
“Unable to sync this source. Unable to sync new data.”
This is the most common error message users see in their synced tables.
For synced tables where the source is another Airtable base: Is there an error icon ⚠️ visible on your synced table? If so, your sync likely needs to be re-authenticated. To re-authenticate, you’ll need a new syncable view share link. Then, click the dropdown next to the destination table, select Update sync configuration, and provide the new link. Please note that regenerating a new syncable view share link will impact all synced tables dependent on that source.
For tables synced from an external source: It could be worth reconnecting the external account to Airtable. Or, instead of reconnecting, some users find success by removing the external account and then re-adding the external account as a new connection.
If the issue persists, we encourage you to create a new table in the same base with the same sync source. Sometimes, if there is an issue with the original connection, bridging a new sync can help eliminate the issue causing this error message.
It’s also worth checking the size of your sync source – if the size doesn’t meet our requirements for syncing, an error message will likely be thrown.
“Field does not exist in every source"
You may be seeing this error message because, in one of your sync sources, a field isn't mapped to its proper sync destination.
For two-way synced tables, every source of the sync must contain a two-way syncable field mapped to its respective target field for that target field to be editable. If these settings aren’t aligned, error messages can pop up on your two-way synced table.
If you click the option to 'Edit synced fields' under the sources feeding into your synced table, a window should open outlining the current sync mapping route:
Toggling the field On and checking that it’s mapped to the correct destination field should help with this issue.
Additional requirements for proper two-way syncing include:
All sources must have data syncing to that target field
All sources must have "Allow edits from other bases" enabled in their sync view settings
Source settings for two-way synced tables should look like the following:
Destination/Target settings could look like the following:
“Syncing of the selected shared view is disallowed by its source enterprise account”
When sync restriction settings in admin panel are adjusted and a user attempts to create a sync share link, they could see this error message:
We suggest finding an admin at your organization who can help address this by managing the organizations’ synced view restrictions from the admin panel.
A field is missing from my synced table
There can be cases where a field was added to a sync’s source and the field is not visible in the sync’s target table. In cases like this, we recommend the following:
In the sync's configuration settings, there should be an option next to the sync’s source to click a button that looks like an ellipses:
Under those settings, there should be a button to Edit synced fields. A popup should appear, outlining the fields currently synced from the source to your target table. Check that the missing field is visible in your source and is currently toggled On.
From there, we encourage you to check out the target table again, to ensure that the field is currently hidden from the table.
If you’re using a sync integration and the field is still hidden from your synced table, we encourage you to double-check that the field type is supported in Airtable’s sync integration.
If the field type is supported, we recommend double-checking that there are currently values filled out in the field in your source. For example, we’ve found that some integrated applications will withhold fields from our API call until there is visible data within those fields. Once data has been entered into the ‘Status’ field in the source, for example, that ‘Status’ field should be visible in the API call, and we can pull it into your synced table.
Tips for reaching out to Support
If the troubleshooting steps covered in this article didn't fix the issue, then our Support team can provide guidance for users.
Please include an online-hosted screen recording (Loom, Zight, etc.) in your request to our Support team so we can speed up the troubleshooting process. We discourage sending MP4 files in your support request or uploading videos to Google Drive as these often prevent our support team from accessing the screen recording file.
In your message or video to Support, the following information would be very helpful to obtain:
Information regarding the sync’s source. If you’re able to share screenshots of the source and its view share link settings, that would be very helpful. Also, let us know if there have been any recent changes to the source.
If there is a specific error message in the sync, please share the error in its entirety with the team. When did this error first occur?
What do the sync’s configuration settings look like? Please send screenshots or a video of these settings to the Support team.
What is the approximate size (# of rows in the source) of the sync that you’re trying to pull into Airtable?
Has the sync worked previously? When was the last time it synced correctly?
The next time you try to run this sync, it would be great to get a closer look at the browser's error console as well. Please grab a video or even a screenshot of the browser's console during your next sync attempt, this will give our team an idea of any underlying error messages the browser could be throwing.