Adding a base collaborator
  • 06 May 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Adding a base collaborator

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Article summary


Enterprise Scale and Business admins have access to additional collaboration tools on the Users page in Admin Panel.

Plan availability

All plan types


Users can invite other users at or below their permission level in the base so long as adding collaborators has not been restricted by a workspace owner or organization’s admin.


Web/Browser, Mac app, Windows app, and mobile apps

Related reading

Understanding base collaboration

  • A base collaborator has access to all of the data in a specific base (at a specified permission level) without necessarily having access to the other bases in a workspace. This can be useful for collaborating with people who don't need to see all of the bases in an entire workspace.

  • If you find yourself adding the same person as a base collaborator to many bases in a single workspace, you may want to consider making that person a workspace collaborator instead.

  • Remember that when you add a billable collaborator (commenter, editor, creator, or owner level) to your base or workspace, you will be charged. To learn more about how collaborators are billed, please read this support article.

  • You can also learn more about collaborators and permission levels in the collaboration guide.

  • To learn how to update the permissions of an existing collaborator or remove them entirely, see this article.

Adding a base collaborator in Airtable

To add one or many collaborators to an individual base without adding them to an entire workspace, you'll need to navigate to that base's share dialog. You can access a base's share dialog from two different locations:

  1. Home screen - Browse for the base that you want to share. While hovering over the base's name you'll see a ... icon appear, click that icon. Next, click on the Share base option.

  2. Open base - You can also access a base's share dialog from within a base by clicking on the Share button on the top right side of the page.

Either of these methods will bring up the share dialog. There are two different ways to share access to the base with other users:

Invite by email or group


Business and Enterprise plan admins can invite up to 50 collaborators through the share dialog.

Within the share dialog, you can type in the email address(es) of the user(s) or group(s) you wish to invite to collaborate on the base.

  1. You can add multiple emails by inputting an email and pressing enter. Each individual email address will appear as a grey token.

  2. Set the permission level for the collaborator(s) using the dropdown to the right.

  3. Optionally, add a message to give the new collaborators context on what you are sharing with them.

  4. You can also choose to invite this person or people as a workspace collaborator by checking the "Invite to all other bases in {Workspace name} workspace."

  5. Click the Invite button.

Invite by link

Alternatively, you can create a link that will grant access (at the specified permission level) to anyone who opens the link. Note that you will need to have at least Creator permissions to the base in order to create an invite link—if you are an editor, commenter, or read-only base collaborator, you cannot create an invite link. To create the invite link from an open share dialog:

  1. By default, the share dialog is set to invite by email, so click on the Create link option (inside a base) or Invite by link option (from the home screen).

  2. Now, set the permission level associated with the invite link. By default, it is set to grant creator access to anyone who opens the link, but if you click on the permission dropdown, you can also set it so that anyone who opens the link will be granted editor, commenter, or read-only access to the base. 

  3. You also have the choice of allowing the link to work for anyone with an Airtable account who opens the link, or you can set it so that the link will only work for people with email addresses from a specific domain(recommended). The latter option is useful if you work for an organization and you want to limit access to the base only to people within your organization.

  4. Once you've set the permission level and domain restriction (if desired), click the Create link button to create the invite link. Creating the link will create a new section within the share dialog called "Invite links," which will show all of the invite links that have been created for this base. A base can have multiple invite links, of differing permission levels and domain restrictions.

  5. Click on a link to copy it to your clipboard. You should see a notification pop up on your screen confirming that the link was copied.

  6. To delete an invite link, click the X to the right of the invite link. Deleting the invite link will deactivate it, and anyone who attempts to use the old link will not be able to use the old link to gain access to the base.

Removing base collaborators

To remove a base collaborator:

  1. From an open base containing the collaborator you want to remove click the Share button in the upper right corner of the page. 

  2. This will open the share dialog. Next, click the Manage button next to the current collaborator list.

  3. This will open a new window where you can select individual collaborators to remove or check the box at the top to remove multiple collaborators. At least one owner will always need to remain.

Managing base and workspace collaborators

To manage your collaborators in one place: 

  1. First, open your workspace settings from the home screen. Instructions are available here if you are unfamiliar.

  2. From there you can see a list of all bases in that workspace, and which collaborators are shared to each base. 

  3. You can also manage workspace collaborators from the same screen as well.

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