Airtable provides shortcuts to help speed up and improve your workflow. Access the complete list of Airtable shortcuts from a base using Cmd / on a Mac or Ctrl / on a Windows-based computer.
Mac keyboard shortcuts
Cmd Z | Undo action. |
Cmd Y or Cmd Shift Z | Redo action. |
Cmd P | Print the current table view or current expanded record (if inside an expanded record). |
Cmd J | Opens the table switcher in the current base. |
Cmd K | Opens the quick base switcher if on the home screen or inside a base. |
Cmd Shift K | Opens the view switcher in the current base. |
Cmd Shift F | Opens the filter menu in the current view. Press Enter to create a new filter. |
Cmd Shift D | Opens the grouped records menu in the current view. Press Enter to collapse or expand all groups. |
Cmd Shift S | Opens the sort menu in the current view. Press Enter to re-apply the most recent sort. |
Cmd Shift | Toggles extensions. |
Cmd F or Cmd G | Opens find bar. Use Esc to close find bar. |
Cmd ; | Sets the selected date/datetime field to now. |
Shift Tab / Tab | Move back (Shift Tab) and forth (Tab) between similar elements. Functionality varies. |
Shift Cmd3 or 4 |
Grid view
Cmd C | Copy a cell or range of cells. |
Cmd X | Cut a cell or range of cells. |
Cmd V | Paste a cell (if you select a range of cells, you can paste the same value into multiple cells at once). |
Cmd D | Allows users to select all occurrences of a variable or text. |
Space | Expand the active record (use Esc to return to table). |
Shift Space | Expand the active cell (you can then use arrow keys to move to different cells). |
Shift Click | Select adjacent fields to perform bulk field operations. |
Cmd Click | Select non-adjacent fields to perform bulk field operations. |
Fn ↑ Fn ↓ | Scrolls one screen up or down. |
Opt Pg Up Opt Pg Dn Opt Fn ↑ Opt Fn ↓ | Scrolls one screen left or right. |
Cmd ← Cmd → Cmd ↑ Cmd ↓ | Jump to the edge of the table. If a view is grouped, ↑ and ↓ will jump to the top and bottom records in the currently selected group. |
Cmd Shift ← Cmd Shift → Cmd Shift ↑ Cmd Shift ↓ | Jump to edge of table and select cells. |
Shift ← Shift → Shift ↑ Shift ↓ | Select range of cells. You can also click while holding Shift to select cells. |
Shift Enter | Insert a record below the selected cell. |
Cmd Shift Enter | Insert a record at the end of an unsorted/ungrouped grid view. |
Enter F2 | Edit the selected cell. |
Enter Cmd V | After clicking on a record in an attachment field this will open the attachment upload window and paste whatever is on your clipboard. (Pressing Enter again will begin the upload process) |
Hold Opt while dragging with mouse | Duplicate a record or field. |
⌥ ↑ / ⌥ ↓ | Manually move records up and down in order. |
Gallery view
Cmd ↑ / Cmd ↓ | Scroll to edge of gallery. |
Kanban view
← → | Scroll kanban board to the left or right by one stack. |
Cmd ← Cmd → | Scroll kanban board to the left or right edge. |
Cmd ↑ Cmd ↓ | Scroll all stacks to top or bottom. |
Gantt view
Cmd Delete | Deletes selected records. |
Shift Click or Cmd Click | Select multiple records |
Enter | Creates a new record when going through the 'create record flow.' |
Expanded record
Cmd Shift < / Cmd Shift , or Cmd Shift > / Cmd Shift . | Move to the previous or next record while viewing an expanded record. |
Esc | Close an expanded record. |
Windows keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl Z | Undo action. |
Ctrl Y or Ctrl Shift Z | Redo action. |
Ctrl P | Print the current table view or current expanded record (if inside an expanded record). |
Ctrl J | Opens the table switcher in the current base. |
Ctrl K | Opens the quick base switcher if on the home screen or inside a base. |
Ctrl Shift K | Opens the view switcher in the current base. |
Ctrl Shift F | Opens the filter menu in the current view. Press Enter to create a new filter. |
Ctrl Shift D | Opens the grouped records menu in the current view. Press Enter to collapse or expand all groups. |
Ctrl Shift S | Opens the sort menu in the current view. Press Enter to re-apply the most recent sort. |
Ctrl Shift | Toggles extensions. |
Ctrl F or Ctrl G | Opens find bar. Use Esc to close find bar. |
Ctrl ; | Sets the selected date/datetime field to now. |
Shift Tab / Tab | Move back (Shift Tab) and forth (Tab) between similar elements. Functionality varies. |
Ctrl PrtScn or Windows Shift S |
Grid view
Ctrl C | Copy a cell or range of cells. |
Ctrl X | Cut a cell or range of cells. |
Ctrl V | Paste a cell (if you select a range of cells, you can paste the same value into multiple cells at once). |
Ctrl D | Allows users to select all occurrences of a variable or text. |
Space | Expand the active record (use Esc to return to table). |
Shift Space | Expand the active cell (you can then use arrow keys to move to different cells). |
Shift Click | Select adjacent fields to perform bulk field operations. |
Ctrl Click | Select non-adjacent fields to perform bulk field operations. |
Fn ↑ Fn ↓ | Scrolls one screen up or down. |
Alt Pg Up Alt Pg Dn Alt Fn ↑ Alt Fn ↓ | Scrolls one screen left or right. |
Ctrl ← Ctrl → Ctrl ↑ Ctrl ↓ | Jump to the edge of the table. If a view is grouped, ↑ and ↓ will jump to the top and bottom records in the currently selected group. |
CtrlShift ← Ctrl Shift → Ctrl Shift ↑ Ctrl Shift ↓ | Jump to edge of table and select cells. |
Shift ← Shift → Shift ↑ Shift ↓ | Select range of cells. You can also click while holding Shift to select cells. |
Shift Enter | Insert a record below the selected cell. |
Ctrl Shift Enter | Insert a record at the end of an unsorted/ungrouped grid view. |
Enter F2 | Edit the selected cell. |
Enter Ctrl V | After clicking on a record in an attachment field this will open the attachment upload window and paste whatever is on your clipboard. (Pressing Enter again will begin the upload process) |
Hold Alt while dragging with mouse | Duplicate a record or field. |
⌥ ↑ / ⌥ ↓ | Manually move records up and down in order. |
Gallery view
Ctrl ↑ / Ctrl ↓ | Scroll to edge of gallery. |
Kanban view
← → | Scroll kanban board to the left or right by one stack. |
Ctrl ← Ctrl → | Scroll kanban board to the left or right edge. |
Ctrl ↑ Ctrl ↓ | Scroll all stacks to top or bottom. |
Gantt view
Ctrl Delete | Deletes selected records. |
Shift Click or Ctrl Click | Select multiple records |
Enter | Creates a new record when going through the 'create record flow.' |
Expanded record
Ctrl Shift < / Ctrl Shift , or Ctrl Shift > / Ctrl Shift . | Move to the previous or next record while viewing an expanded record. |
Esc | Close an expanded record. |
How do I view a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts while using Airtable?
You can access a complete list of Airtable shortcuts from a base using Cmd / on a Mac or Ctrl / on a Windows-based computer.