Using Markdown in Airtable
    • 17 Apr 2024
    • 6 Minutes to read
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    Using Markdown in Airtable

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    Article summary

    Markdown is a lightweight and readable syntax used for formatting text. Formatting text can be helpful when looking to call attention to specific information. This article covers where and how to implement Markdown in Airtable.

    Overview of Markdown in Airtable

    Currently, there are 5 main usage areas where Markdown can be employed in Airtable: 

    Markdown reference table

    Not all Markdown syntax is available within the areas listed above. This reference table helps clarify when and where Markdown can be used within Airtable. 


    Please note any boxes with an asterisk*, as there are caveats to be aware of. You can also scroll to the table's right side to review additional product area functionality.


    Base descriptions

    Long text field w/ rich text enabled

    Airtable Automations

    Web clipper extension

    Airtable API


    # H1 heading

    ## H2 heading

    ### H3 heading


    **This text will be bold**

    __This text will also be bold__


    *This text will be italic*

    _This text will also be italic_


    ~~This text will be strickenthrough ~~

    Checkbox 1

    [x] Checked

    [ ] Unchecked

    Unordered list

    - Unordered list item 1

         * Indented item 1


    Ordered list

    1. Sorted list item 1

         1) Item 1a



    Link to



    >This will be a blockquote

    Inline code

    `inline code`

    Code blocks

    ```code block```


    Escaping Markdown formatting

    \*This will not have italic markdown formatting\*


    There should be a space—in between and after—the brackets [ ]for the checkbox markdown to appear. This is especially important for workflows that involve using API.

    2 Indented list items are not possible to create strictly via Markdown in long text fields. However, you can hit the return and tab keys after a list item to create an indented list item.

    3 In long text fields, just the first three ticks followed by the return/enter key are needed to start a code block. To end a code block you will need to click off the “Code block” option in the rich text menu.

    4 The Airtable API creates extra escape characters to workaround formatting issues when pulling data out. If this API output is then re-inserted into Airtable it will not effectively escape the Markdown formatting.


    In long text fields with rich text enabled Markdown must be typed into the Airtable for it to appear. Any copied/pasted text will not be recognized as Markdown syntax.

    Syntax options

    There are currently 12 syntax options for using Markdown to format text within Airtable. 


    A line that starts with one to three characters, followed by one whitespace character, will result in a first-level to third-level heading.

    Markdown syntax:

    # First level header
    ## Second level header
    ### Third level header`
    Plain text



    Bold and Italic

    Text surrounded by a single *or _ pair will be formatted as italic—meaning emphasis in Markdown—; text surrounded by a double **or __ pair will be formatted as bold—meaning strong emphasis in Markdown. You can combine them with other inline formats.

    Markdown syntax:

    *This text will be italic*
    _This will also be italic_
    **This text will be bold**
    __This will also be bold__
    _**Combine them for bold italic**_
    Plain text


    This text will be italic
    This will also be italic

    This text will be bold
    This will also be bold

    Combine them for bold italic


    Text surrounded by a ~~ pair will be formatted as strikethrough. This is not supported in the base description.

    Markdown syntax

    ~~This text will be strikethrough~~
    Plain text




    Starting a line with “[ ]” or “[x]” will begin a checkbox list.

    Markdown syntax

    [x] Checked item 1
    [ ] Unchecked item 2
        [x] Subitem 1
        [ ] Subitem 2`
    Plain text


    Unordered List

    You can use either -or *as an unordered list marker.

    Markdown syntax

    - Item 1
    - Item 2
        * Indented item 1
        * Indented item 2`
    Plain text


    • Item 1

    • Item 2

      • Indented item 1

      • Indented item 2

    Ordered List

    Starting a line with a number and a period will automatically convert to a list.

    Markdown syntax

    1. Item 1
    2. Item 2
        1) Item 2a
        2) Item 2b
    Plain text


    1. Item 1

    2. Item 2

      1. Item 2a

      2. Item 2b


    There are two types of links, inline and reference :

    • An inline link has the form of [Link text](link URL), where the URL is specified inline.

    • A reference link has the form of [Link Text][Label Name], where the label references a link definition.

      • A link definition is a line with the form [Label name]: URL. It can be placed anywhere in the text and will be removed when converted to rich text cell value.

    Markdown syntax

    [Airtable]( is awesome.
    [Link reference][1] also works.
    [1]: [](
    Plain text


    Airtable is awesome.
    Link reference also works.


    A blockquote is a line that starts with > and then followed by the quote content. This is not supported in the base description.

    Markdown syntax

    > Roses are red
    > Violets are blue
    Plain text


    Roses are red

    Violets are blue

    Inline Code

    Text surrounded by a ` pair will be formatted as inline code (with monospace typeface).

    Markdown syntax

    `apiKey` is your secret API token.
    Plain text


    apiKey is your secret API token.

    Code Blocks

    A code block is one or more lines of code surrounded by code fences. A code fence is a line that is a sequence of at least 3 consecutive backticks (`) or tildes (~). The closing code fence must be the same type as the opening code fence (backticks or tildes), and with at least as many characters as the opening fence sequence.

    The line with the opening code fence may optionally contain some text following the code fence. This is called the info string. Some Markdown implementations use this string for code block syntax highlighting. Airtable currently does not utilize the info string and it will be discarded when converting Markdown text to rich text cell value.


    We do not support indented code blocks in the original Markdown.

    Markdown syntax

    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    end tell
    Plain text


    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    end tell
    Plain text

    Escaping Markdown formatting

    You can use backslash ( \) before any Markdown syntax character to escape the formatting.

    Markdown syntax

    \*This is not italic\*
    Plain text


    This is not italic

    Line Breaks

    Every line break will be treated as a hard line break. Note that this behavior differs from original Markdown.

    Markdown syntax

    The Sea of Faith
    Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore
    Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
    But now I only hear
    Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
    Retreating, to the breath
    Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
    And naked shingles of the world.
    Plain text


    The Sea of Faith
    Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore
    Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
    But now I only hear
    Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
    Retreating, to the breath
    Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
    And naked shingles of the world.

    Multiple Line Breaks

    We support using the <br>HTML tag while sending emails that require multiple line breaks.


    Plain text




    Is there any other text formatting available for Airtable?

    Unless specified above, additional text formatting for other data types (currencies, dates, numbers) is unavailable.Can I use markdown to change how dynamic field inputs are displayed using automation actions that support markdown?

    Can I use markdown to change how dynamic field inputs are displayed using automation actions that support markdown?

    Yes, you can use markdown with Automation fields by adding the markdown around the field you are referencing, as shown in the example below:

    Is Airtable's Markdown compliant with other forms of Markdown?

    Airtable Markdown is not compliant with the two most popular forms of Markdown: Markdoc and GitHub Flavored Markdown. As a result, you may need to experiment or create workarounds when attempting to create URLs.

    Can I use HTML in Airtable's Markdown?

    You can use HTML tags in certain automations (Example: format emails sent via the send email action), but HTML is not natively supported in the product at this time.

    Are emojis allowed in Airtable?

    Yes, emojis can be used across Airtable in a variety of field types, automation outputs, descriptions, and more.

    Is rich text supported in long text fields?

    While the Airtable editor does not support rich text, it can be used in long text fields when using automation or Airtable’s API.

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