Converting numbers and text in Airtable formula fields

This article covers how to convert numbers and text in formula fields to streamline your team's and organization's work.


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Converting numbers to text strings in Airtable

Converting numbers to text strings

If you append &"" to a formula working with numbers, then it will convert that value to a string in Airtable. As a reminder, the &operator is equivalent to the CONCATENATE() function. This means you can also add "" to a CONCATENATE() function in order to convert a value to a string.

{Number field's name} & ""
Plain text
CONCATENATE({Number field's name} , "")
Plain text

Converting arrays to text strings in Airtable

Converting arrays to text strings

Lookup fields can be appended with &""or "" in a CONCATENATE() function to convert their outputs (arrays) to text for use in text-based functions.

{Lookup field's name} & ""
Plain text
CONCATENATE({Lookup field's name} , "")
Plain text

Converting strings to numbers in Airtable

Converting strings to numbers

If you append +0 to a function using numeral string from a field in your Airtable base, it will convert the value back to a number and allow number formatting in your formula output.

{Name of the numeral string field that you are referencing} + 0
Plain text