Using logical operators to compare field values in Airtable

Logical operators allow you to compare values in one field to other fields. See the operators listed below for an introduction to their symbols and usage. 

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Operators in Airtable

Airtable operators





Greater than



Compare if one number is greater than another


IF(5 > 5 ...

Less than



Compare if one number is less than another


IF(5 < 5 ...

Greater than or equal to



Compare if one number is greater than or equal to another


IF({Field A} >= {Field B} ...

Less than or equal to



Compare if one number is less than or equal to another


IF({Field A} <= {Field B} ...

Equal to 



Compare if one value is equal to another value


5 = 5

Does not equal



Check if one value is not equal to another value


IF({Field A} != {Field B} ...

Greater and less than operators


For the following examples, assume that you want to compare income against expenses on a weekly basis.

Greater than

First, check if income is greater than expenses. If income is greater than expenses, the result of the formula will be a 1 (meaning true), and if not, a 0 (meaning false).


{Income} > {Expenses}

Less than

Now, check if income is less than expenses. If income is less than expenses, the result of the formula will be a 1, and if not, a 0.


{Income} < {Expenses}

Greater, less than, and equal to operators

Greater than or equal to

Similar to the formulas above, we can compare if income is greater than or equal to expenses (still returning a 1 or 0). The difference is most obvious in the below table when the Income and Expenses are equal—the formula returns 1.


{Income} >= {Expenses}

Less than or equal to

Now we can check the opposite, let's compare if income is less than or equal to expenses by changing the operator.


{Income} <= {Expenses}

Equal and does not equal to operators


Check if income is exactly equal to expenses.


{Income} = {Expenses}

Does not equal

Likewise, we can check if a value is not equal to another by adding “!” before the “=” icon.


{Income} != {Expenses}