Using formulas in Airtable's primary field

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Airtable terminology

  • Primary field - The primary field is always the first column, or field, in any table. It represents a description of each record in the table and cannot be deleted, moved, or hidden. The primary field is used as a brief description of a record in other parts of the UI.


Below are just two common examples of using functions in primary fields that are the formula field type. For a more extensive overview of the various functions that can be used in formula fields, please consult our formula field reference.

The primary field is always the first column, or field, in any table. It represents a description of each record in the table and cannot be deleted, moved, or hidden. This article cover leveraging formulas in the primary field.

Formulas can be used with the CONCATENATE() function or the ampersand sign (&) to link data from other fields and text. Using the ampersand method, you can build a formula that combines the client name, some static description text, and the order number that looks like the example below:

{Client & ":order #"}&{Order no.}


Using the same example but with the CONCATENATE() function instead. As you can see, the formula outputs the exact text string:
CONCATENATE({Client},": order #", {Order no.})


Primary field formulas can also be combined with the autonumber field type to assign each record a unique number automatically.

In the example below, the formula below concatenates:

  • the static text "MYPREFIX."

  • the variable value ( {Autonumber}) which comes from the field named "Autonumber."

  • the static text "MYSUFFIX" to create unique record names in the primary field.

Plain text
