Interface element: Text

The information below covers legacy Interface Designer features. In some cases, you may find that element-based layouts lack certain functionality. If you are looking for the best and most well supported interface features, then we recommend using newer interface layout types covered in this article.

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To add and configure text elements:


  • The text element is only available when using blank, record review, and record summary layouts.

  • If this is the first time you've added elements to an interface, please consult this help article first.

  1. Open your Airtable homepage.

  2. Create or open your preferred base.

  3. Click Add… in the bottom left corner of your base.

    1. A new window opens, allowing you to add or choose more data.

  4. Click Interfaces, and choose your preferred eligible interface.

  5. Complete the interface setup process and click Finish.

  6. Click Add element, then All elements.

  7. Click Text.

    1. After selecting the text element, you'll see some formatting options appear, including a dropdown menu on the left where you can choose to have the text to appear as different heading styles, justification, code blocks, quotes, and more. You can also have text appear as different list styles. Finally, you can format the text as bold, italic, strikethrough, inline code, or as a hyperlink.