3D space extension

Plan availability

All paid plans


  • Owners/Creators - Can create, delete, and modify extensions

  • Editors - Can edit the configuration of previously configured extensions


Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app

Related reading

Guide: Build your own Airtable extensions

Airtable terminology

Extension - Extensions are modular components that add visuals or functionality to a base, and were shown in the base's dashboard. Users can create custom extensions, or they can use extensions created by Airtable or other open-source extensions.

The 3D space extension takes 3D model files in an attachment field and renders them in a 3D world of your own making. Provide X, Y, and Z position fields (and optionally, rotation and scale fields) to place your objects in space, then navigate the space with the WASD or arrow keys. While in the 3D space, you can move, rotate, and scale your objects with your mouse.

To get started with the 3D space extension, you'll need an attachment field containing 3D model files. Currently, the supported 3D file types are:


  • gLTF

  • OBJ/MTL (in this case, please include both the OBJ file and the MTL file in the same record, in the same attachment field)

Note that the 3D space extension also supports 2D image files, including GIF, PNG, and JPG files. These files will render as flat images in the 3D space.

If you don't happen to have any of your own 3D models lying around, we recommend downloading some of the open-source 3D model files from poly.google.com. (All the models depicted on this page are from Poly by Google.) You can also find 3D models at Sketchfab and Clara.io.

You'll also need three number fields (or numeric computed fields) to serve as the X, Y, and Z coordinates for each model.

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Additionally, you can choose to provide three other number fields (alpha α, beta β, and gamma γ) to determine the rotation of each object, and a number or a percent field to determine the scale for each object.

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When you install a new 3D space extension, you'll need to select the appropriate table and view containing the 3D models you want to render, as well as the 3D model and three position fields. Optionally, you can define the three rotation and scale fields.

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Once you've set up your 3D space, you can navigate it with your mouse and keyboard. Click and drag with the mouse to look around.


You can move the camera either by using the arrow keys, or by using the WASD keys.


You can interact with the objects by moving, rotating, or scaling them. To move an object, click and drag with the left mouse button. To rotate an object, click and drag with the right mouse button. To scale an object, grab the object and scroll up or down with the mouse wheel.

drag-and rotate-lq-smol

Clicking the Reset position button will bring the camera back to the starting point.

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For more precise placement of the objects in your 3D space, you can directly edit the values in your position, rotation, and scale fields.

Please note that at this time, the VR mode for 3D space extension is highly experimental.

To activate VR mode, click the goggles icon in the bottom right corner of the 3D space extension.

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3D space extension can be viewed in VR using the following combinations of headsets/browsers/operating systems.

  • HTC Vive

    • Firefox (Windows or Mac)

    • Google Chrome 65 (Windows only)

  • Oculus Rift

    • Firefox (Windows only)

For the most up-to-date list of possible combinations, please reference the WebVR site.

Help! I can't see my model!

If you're having difficulty finding your model in the 3D space extension, it might be for one of the following reasons:

  • The model file in the attachment field is not of a type currently supported by the 3D space extension.

  • The model might be too big or small to appear in the frame. In this case, try adjusting the value in the scale field to a more extreme small or large number/percentage.

  • The model may have an initial rotation value that is causing it to render underneath the floor of the 3D space. In this case, check the values in the rotation fields and adjust them as needed.