This article covers how to to add, subtract, multiply, and divide using the formula field in Airtable to streamline your team's and organization's work.
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Multiplying in Airtable
Multiplying using the formula field
For example, let's say you'd like to calculate the total wages for a team of hourly staff. You'll need a field to track hours (number field), another to track wages (currency field), and a final field (formula field) to enter as a formula.
In the {Total Wages} field, this formula is used to calculate the total wages for the day for each employee:
Subtracting in Airtable
Subtracting using the formula field
You can accomplish similar calculations using the same formula structure. To find the difference between wages due and wages paid, you would use a formula like the following:
Dividing in Airtable
Dividing using the formula field
In a different scenario, let's say that you're using Airtable to track your freelance project work. You quote a certain number of hours of service you will provide, and want to track your completion towards those hours.
In {Project Completion}, you would use a formula like the following to calculate your progress:
Adding in Airtable
Adding using the formula field
You can add multiple fields together by separating them with a + sign. In the example below, several fields are added together to find the final invoice total for a legal department.
The {Invoice Total}field uses the formula below:
Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing using one formula in Airtable
Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing using the formula field
You can run any number of different functions within the same formula. In the example below, several different factors play into finding the final amount to charge a client on a payment plan:
Multiply {Consult: Hours} * {Consult {Rate}
Add {Retainer} and {Miscellaneous fees}
Subtract {Discounts}
Divide everything by {Num. of Payments}
All of these are built-in to a formula together in {Charge per Payment} using the formula below:
Formatting formula fields in Airtable
Please consult the information available in this support article to learn more.