Embedding Airtable views

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Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app

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You can embed a specific view of a table within a base instead of sharing the entire base. The viewer(s) of the embedded cannot see any hidden records. Suppose you update cell values, add records or fields, or update which fields and records are visible in the view. In that case, the embed will automatically update in real-time to show the most updated version.

Embedding views in Airtable


Users on paid plans can ensure their views aren't accidentally changed by locking the shared view, which prevents collaborators from modifying a view until someone with creator permissions unlocks it.

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage.

  2. Open your preferred base and create a view for sharing.  

  3. Click Share and sync, then Embed this view.

    1. A new tab opens the embed code to be used on your website.

  4. Copy and paste the embed code into your preferred location.

Once on the embed grid view tab, you are presented with two grid view options:

  • Use card layout on desktop - Toggle on/off for a different visual embed experience

  • Show view controls - Toggle on/off to allow/restrict filtering and sorting on the desktop experience

Disabling embedded views in Airtable

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage.

  2. Open your preferred shared.

  3. Click Share and sync, then Link settings.

  4. Click Disable link.  

Can I embed Airtable on Wordpress?

Wordpress.com sites are hosted by Wordpress itself on their servers, and have more restrictive functionality around embedding 3rd party content like Airtable. Wordpress sites are hosted on other companies' servers (e.g., WPEngine) but have complete customizability and control. Airtable embeds only work on the latter, not the former.