Airtable sync integrations overview

Plan availability

All paid plan types with varying limitations


Owners - Accessing the information outlined in this article requires owner permission in the workspace where you are wanting to manage sync integrations.


Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app

Related reading

  • Airtable Sync overview - General outline of limits and functionality of the Airtable Sync feature.

  • Sync FAQs - Answers to common questions related to Airtable Sync.

Learn how to use the Airtable Sync integration feature to bring information from an external application into Airtable as a new table in your base. Sync integrations are always a one way sync from the external application into an Airtable base, so changes made in Airtable cannot be synced back to the external application that you are syncing with.

Airtable sync lets users import data from external sources like Google Calendar, Zendesk, Box, and more into a base. When a user on the Business or Enterprise Scale plan creates a table in a base, under the "Other sources" tab if they'll have the option to select from several sync integrations.

Sync integration category

Included integration types

Access by plan type


Box, Google Drive, Google Calendar, GitHub Issues, GitHub Pull Requests, and Miro

All paid plans


Emailed Data, Sync API, Tableau Online, Jira Cloud, Salesforce, and Zendesk

Business and Enterprise Scale plans only


Jira Server/Data Center and Adobe Experience Manager

Enterprise Scale only

To help understand how data is being synced you can use the sync activity log to see which bases can currently sync from a specific base, as well as the owners of the synced destinations.

To manage your sync activity log:

  1. Open your Airtable homepage.

  2. Open your preferred base.

  3. Click Share and sync.

  4. Click Link settings.

Once you open the sync activity log, we’ll show entries for:

  • Every sync destination base ordered by the last time it synced

  • The most recent password change for the shared view

  • The most recent email domain restriction change for the shared view

  • The most recent time the shared view link was regenerated

If you have access to the base, we’ll also show you the base name and icon.


Accessing sync log activity from the base share menu

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage

  2. Open your preferred base. 

  3. Click Share in the top right.

  4. Click View on the bottom left side of the base share menu.

    1. Click the icon next your view's name to find a another view. 

    2. The toggle next to the view's name will appear green, indicating that the view has sharing enabled.

  5. If the shared view has the "Allow data in this view to be synced to other bases" option enabled, then there will be a three line and lightning bolt icon you can click to access the sync activity log.

Accessing sync log activity from the view share menu

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage

  2. Open your preferred base. 

  3. Click Share and sync.

  4. Select Sync data to another base

    1. When a view doesn't have a sync(s) configured, an "Inactive" status is visible.

  5. After enabling "Allow data in this view to be synced to other bases," click View sync activity to open up the sync activity log.


This management modal will only appear if the workspace you are working out of is over limits. 

There are times when your workspace may be over the sync integration limits for the plan it is on. In these cases, we have a sync management tool that can be found on that workspace's settings page. Ultimately, this allows workspace owners to:

  • View all current sync integrations across all of the bases in a workspace.

  • See when and who added each sync integration.

  • Enable or Disable specific sync integration types.

  • Allow new sync integration types to be accessed.

Finding the management modal

  1. First, from the home screen find the workspace that is over the sync limits.

  2. Once you are at a particular workspace's page, click the three-dot icon next to the Create a base and Share buttons.

  3. From here. click the Workspace settings option.

  4. This will open the workspace settings page for that particular workspace. Scroll down to the Usage section to search for the base or bases containing the syncs that are over limits.

  5. Click the Manage sync integrations option to open the sync management UI.

Actions to manage sync integrations

Enabling/Disabling sync integrations

To enable or disable previously configured sync integrations click the toggle next to the name of the integration. You'll first need to disable another sync integration to enable a different one since your workspace's plan is over limits.


Adding integrations

To enable a new integration for use in this workspace, click the Add an integration option below the list of previously configured syncs. The ability to add a new integration will only appear if you have disabled enough integrations to be under your workspace's plan limit. Clicking this will open a list of sync integration types. Choose one.


In this case, we'll choose the Outlook Calendar sync integration.


Now, when you and other collaborators are attempting to sync in new data, only that option will appear in the Sync data from section.