Lookup field overview

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Add a lookup field

The lookup field allows you to access and use content stored in one linked record for use in another.


Lookup fields require a linked record to create a connection between two tables. To use lookup fields, start by configuring a linked record field.

Adding lookup fields

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage.

  2. Create or open your preferred base.

  3. Add or edit a field.

  4. Search for and select Lookup.

    1. A window opens, allowing you to select your “Lookup source,” choose what you want to look up, toggle “Only include linked records from that meet certain conditions,” and toggle “Limit the number of items shown.”

  5. Click Create field.

Customizing lookup fields

  1. Visit your Airtable homepage.

  2. Create or open your preferred base.

  3. Add or edit a field.

  4. Search for and select Lookup.

    1. A window opens, allowing you to select your “Lookup source,” choose what you want to look up, toggle “Only include linked records from that meet certain conditions,” and toggle “Limit the number of items shown.”

  5. Click the icon under the “Select lookup source” section and choose your preferred source.

  6. Click the ⌄ icon under the “[your preferred source] field you want to look up” and choose your preferred field.

    1. In addition, you can optionally toggle “Only include linked records from that meet certain conditions.” By enabling this feature, you can filter out records that don’t meet your preferred conditions.

    2. You can also optionally toggle “Limit the number of items shown.” By enabling this feature, you can select a limit for displayed items.

Lookup and formula fields


The information displayed in a lookup field is collected into a list of values known as an array. In a formula field, you cannot directly access a lookup field's values; you can access the list of values together as a unit.

  • Suppose you reference a lookup field within a formula field. In that case, you may need to initially convert the values into a data type the formula you are working with can accept. We recommend checking out our Array functions when working with a lookup field directly within a formula.

  • Alternatively, we recommend using a Rollup field, which can use a formula on a linked record's field.

In situations like having a linked record field with multiple records., you'll want to change how information returned from a lookup field appears. If multiple linked records exist, the lookup will concatenate the cell values and separate them with a comma.

While changing the comma separator to another symbol is impossible, you can use a rollup field instead of a lookup field. For this approach:

  1. Add and configure a rollup field.

  2. Copy and paste SUBSTITUTE(ARRAYJOIN(values), ",", " + ")into the rollup aggregation formula.


By using the formula above, the rollup field can substitute the comma separator with something like a "+" icon. You can change the "+" icon in this formula with any symbol you'd like to use as a separator.

Do lookup fields carry over formatting?

Yes, lookup fields can support rich text formatting when looking up information from fields containing rich text. For more information please see this support article.

How do I format a rollup field's output?

Consult this support article for more information on number-based field formatting.

What fields require linked records to function?

  • A lookup field returns the value(s) for a specific field from a linked record (or records). You can use this to bring information from one table into another table without duplicating it, so that your information will always be up-to-date in all tables.

  • A count field returns the number of linked records in a linked record field.

  • A rollup field is a bit like a lookup, but instead of just returning the value(s) from a field in a linked record, it also performs a calculation on those values—like summing together all the values from the linked records, or returning only the maximum value from the linked records.