Managing user access to workspaces and bases

Plan availability

Business and Enterprise Scale only


Web/Browser, Mac app, and Windows app 

Related reading

Airtable terminology

  • Admin panel - A centralized set of tools to help admins manage their organization’s Enterprise account. It's a designated surface that includes ways for admins to view and manage users, groups, reports, bases, and more

The admin panel allows admins to take actions like adding and removing users from workspaces, activating and deactivating users, and transferring base ownership.

Some organizations take these actions one after the other. For example, if a user leaves an organization, company admins frequently deactivate the user account and then transfer the user's workspaces to a new owner.

To manage workspace users:

  1. Open your admin panel.

  2. Click Workspaces.

  3. Click your preferred collaborator group under the “Collaborators” column.

    1. A collaborator's pop-up window opens, detailing all collaborators within your chosen base.


  1. Click the icon next to the collaborator's name you want to manage under the "Permissions" column.

  1. Select your preferred permission for that collaborator.


To learn how to add workspace collaborators, check out our adding collaborators article.

To transfer workspace ownership:

To learn how to transfer workspace ownership, check out our transferring ownership article.

To manage base users:

To learn how to manage base users, check out our users in the admin panel article.

To remove and deactivate users from workspaces and bases:


Deactivating users and removing them from a base or workspace are different actions. Deactivating users prevents them from logging in to Airtable, while removing users only removes their existing workspace and base privileges—still allowing users to log into Airtable and create workspaces and bases.

To learn how to remove users from workspaces and bases, check out our remove and deactivate users through the admin panel.

Programmatically removing users from workspaces and bases


Deactivating users and removing them from a base or workspace are different actions. Deactivating users prevents them from logging in to Airtable, while removing users only removes their existing workspace and base privileges—still allowing users to log into Airtable and create workspaces and bases.

To learn how to programmatically remove workspace and bases users, check our our API documentation.

I’m not a Business or Enterprise Scale plan customer, or I don’t have access to my organization’s admin panel, how do I manage user access to workspaces, interfaces, and bases?

Why am I unable to add users due to their email domain?

If domain verification has been enabled at your organization, then the email address of the user that you are attempting to add must match one of the allowed domains as configured in your organization’s admin panel. To add a new domain to your organization’s allowlist you’ll need to:

  1. (Non-admin users): Contact an admin to have them change the domain verification settings in admin panel.

  2. (Admin users): Adjust domain settings as outline in this article.