Workspace/base invite links and permissions
  • 01 Mar 2024
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Workspace/base invite links and permissions

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Article summary

Workspace invite links and base invite links are standalone links you can generate that will grant access at the specified permission level to anyone who opens the link. This differs from inviting a specific collaborator or collaborators by email, which is covered in the workspace sharing and base sharing articles.

Some permissions-related notes about workspace and base invite links:

  • Only creators and owners can create workspace or base invite links. Editors, commenters, and read-only collaborators cannot create workspace or base invite links.

  • Only owners—not creators—can create owner-level workspace invite links.

  • Creator-level base collaborators can create and remove base invite links for the base(s) that have been shared with them, but they cannot create workspace invite links for the workspace in which the base is located.

  • Invite by links in interfaces are only available to base creators (when workspace restrictions permit doing so).


For Business and Enterprise Scale customers, global invite settings may be restricted by one of your Airtable admins. If you are unable to add a collaborator with an email domain that differs from yours, then please contact one of your Airtable admins and share this article with them to determine whether or not a collaborator outside of your organization can be added.

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