Airtable billing overview
  • 30 Oct 2024
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Airtable billing overview

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Article summary

This article details how to manage and understand billing in Airtable for the Team, Business, and Enterprise Scale workspace plans.

What Airtable plans are self-serve?


While Business plans can be purchased independently, we also offer a more personalized Business plan through our sales team. Reach out to our sales team to learn more about customization and additional details.

Self-serve plans are plans that include monthly and annual billing options—allowing you to manage billing directly through Airtable. Self-serve plans include:

  • Team plans

  • Business plans

What plans are managed by our sales team?


While Business plans can be purchased independently, we also offer a more personalized Business plan through our sales team. Reach out to our sales team to learn more about customization and additional details.

The Business and Enterprise Scale plans are built in collaboration with our sales team. The sales managed plans include:

  • Business plans

  • Enterprise Scale plans

How are self-serve plans billed?

  • Self-serve plans include monthly and annual billing options and are billed per workspace, not per account.

  • Self-serve plans allow customers to upgrade individual workspaces while simultaneously having workspaces on the Free plan.

    • Upgraded workspace owners on the Team plan are billed for any workspace or base collaborators with interface access on the upgraded workspace with "Commenter" or higher-level permissions.  

    • Upgraded workspace owners on the Team plan are billed for any workspace or base collaborators with interface access on the upgraded workspace with "Editor" or higher-level permissions.  

  • Team, Business, and Enterprise Scale accounts include read-only collaborators, form submissions, and share links.

How are plans managed by our sales team billed?

Billing for Enterprise Scale and Business plans is calculated differently. Reach out to our sales team for additional context and information.

How are plans using Airtable AI billed?

Check our our AI billing article to learn more about Airtable AI access and billing.

How do I verify my plan type?

Check out our workspace management article to learn how to verify your workspace’s plan type.

How do I upgrade or change my plan type?

Check our our workspace management article to learn how to upgrade or change your workspace’s plan type.

How do I access my plan’s invoice?

Check out our Invoices and receipts article to learn how to access your workspace’s invoice.

How do I request a refund?

Check out our Requesting refunds article to learn more about refunds and how to request one.  

Invoice FAQs

How do I add information to my invoice?

Check out our Invoices and receipts overview article to learn how to update your invoice.

Can I auto-forward my invoices to another email address?

Workspace invoices are always sent to all owners of the upgraded workspace. At the moment, the only way to send invoices to a different email address (aside from forwarding them via email) is by adding an additional owner to the upgraded workspace with the desired email address. Please keep in mind that if this person is not already a billable collaborator on the workspace, this will add to the cost of the workspace.

What billing period am I paying for currently?

Airtable charges for the upcoming billing period. For example: If you received a $24.00 monthly charge on your credit card dated January 10th, 2024, the invoice billing period is from January 10th, 2024 to February 10th, 2024.

How do prorated charges work?

Airtable creates invoices on a monthly basis, however, the charge for each billable collaborator is calculated by the day. If you add a billable collaborator or upgraded to an AI-enabled plan during the previous billing period, you will see a prorated charge on your next monthly invoice.

What is the total on my invoice?

The total on your invoice is calculated by adding prorated charges from the previous billing period, plus your current number of billable collaborators, minus any available Airtable credits on your workspace. The total on your invoice will match the total on your receipt.

What currency does Airtable use for invoices?

Airtable is based in the United States so our prices and the amounts on your invoice are in USD. Currency conversions are handled by our payment processor, Stripe. Here is some information about how Stripe handles them.

Does my workspace auto-renew?

Airtable defaults to downgrading workspaces at the end of the current billing period rather than immediately when the customer changes the billing plan to Free. However, users can reactivate their workspace at any time during the pending downgrade changes period.

A workspace's plan will renew on the same day of the month that it was upgraded (or a day later if this falls on a weekend). To know what day to set your downgrade reminder, simply go to the workspace's settings page and look at your last invoice. (A link to the invoice would also have been emailed to you, as an owner of the workspace.)

Note that if you downgrade a workspace in the middle of its billing period, a refund of Airtable credits will get applied to that workspace automatically, prorated to its remaining paid commitment. This credit refund will go through the month after your most recent invoice.

Can I pay for Airtable by invoice?

It's only possible to upgrade your workspace and pay for Airtable with a credit card. We do offer an invoice payment option for Enterprise Scale and sales team-managed Business accounts. Click here if you are interested in learning more about Airtable Business or Enterprise Scale.

Why aren’t my invoices showing in the admin panel?


Only Enterprise Scale and Business plans can access the admin panel.

Invoices for plans paid by ACH/invoice—unlike invoices paid by credit or debit card—are unavailable in the admin panel and sent to the associated email of your Airtable account.  

Does Airtable charge a VAT?

Airtable doesn't have a VAT number, as we're based in the United States and do not charge for VAT on our invoices.

Payment FAQs

What payment methods are accepted?

Airtable accepts all major credit cards, bank debits, ACH (U.S customers only), Apple Pay, and Google Pay for self-serve plans.

Business and Enterprise Scale accounts are billable via ACH/invoice.

How do I update the credit card I use for billing?

You can update your credit card from the Payment section on your upgraded workspace's settings page.

What should I do if my credit card is rejected?

Please make sure you’re credit card information is up-to-date (e.g. expiration date and CVV code) and that you're entering your credit card number without dashes or spaces.

  • If your credit card is still not processing, you may need to follow up with your bank to see if there are any issues on their end.

  • If you are still having issues, clickThree dot speech bubble iconon the lower right corner to contact Airtable Support.

Why did my payment fail?

Airtable processes payments through Stripe. Please click this link for a list of reasons why a payment may fail.

Can Airtable manually enter my payment for me?

No. Although we process payments through Stripe (a 3rd party processor), we are not able to manually enter your credit card for you or manually charge a credit card directly through Stripe. Credit cards are automatically processed through Airtable.

Can I get my invoice before Airtable charges my credit card?

As soon as you upgrade your workspace to a paid plan, Airtable processes your credit card immediately. We also immediately process your payment as soon as the next invoice is created. Once the invoice is posted to your workspace, a link to the new invoice is sent via email directly to all workspace owners.

Can I pay for my invoice with more than one credit card or split payments?

No. Our payment system is set up to upload only one credit card at a time. You do have the option to change your credit card information at any time.

Our payment system is set up to charge the entire invoice amount due to the credit card uploaded to the workspace. There isn’t a way to split a payment into multiple smaller payments for one invoice.

If you are unable to pay for the plan upfront on an annual cadence, we offer a monthly plan. To change your plan from annually to monthly, please access your workspace settings page and select the “Change billing plan” option.

Do I have to pay for Airtable if I don’t use it?

Yes. Airtable charges are subscription-based and not based on actual usage. If you’ve invited billable collaborators to your workspace and they do not log in or use the database, the workspace owner will still be charged.

How long does Airtable take to issue refunds?

Typically we issue refunds in Airtable credits which are posted to your workspace when your next invoice is created.

If you received a refund directly to your credit card, please allow five to ten business days for your bank to process the refund. If you are not seeing your credit card refund after ten business days, please contact your credit card company. Unfortunately, we're unable to influence how quickly the refund appears as a credit in your account.

How are ongoing charges processed?

All initial and ongoing charges for the workspace are charged to the payment card uploaded by a workspace owner. Other billable users accessing the workspace do not pay for their access, and they'll have free features on other workspaces they belong to that aren't on a Team plan. Airtable plan changes are automatically prorated, accounting for the addition and removal of collaborators, as well as billing plan changes. On both monthly and annual plans, we bill or credit for any changes once per month. If you'd like certain people to have access to only certain bases, you can add them as base collaborators rather than workspace collaborators.

What happens if I change my plan from monthly to annually? And vice versa?

  • If you are on monthly plan and change to the annual plan, you will be instantly changed to the annual plan, but you will not be invoiced for the entire year's commitment until the end of the current month. At that point, you will be charged for each billable collaborator for exactly 12 months (at the discounted rate for the annual billing plan).

  • Conversely, if you move a workspace to a monthly plan in the middle of the annual plan subscription, you will be refunded in Airtable Credits for the rest of your annual commitment within a month.

Are there any discounts available?

While we are not offering any one-off discounts on our pricing, many users can make solid headway on our Free plan, until they decide the time is financially right to upgrade to gain paid plan features and increased storage limits. In the meantime, credits earned through referring others to Airtable can be applied toward the cost of a paid workspace to lower what you'd pay out of pocket.

Can I pay for Airtable with a 3D secure-enabled credit card?

No, credit cards with 3D Secure enabled are not compatible with Airtable payment processing.

How are workspaces charged after upgrading to a Business plan?

Business plans paid via credit card use the credit card assigned on the admin panel “Billing” page. If you upgrade to a Business plan, then any individual workspaces migrated to the Business plan will not use any attached credit cards in those workspaces for future payments. This is because Free and Team plans operate on a per workspace level, whereas Business plans can contain multiple workspaces.

Collaborator FAQs

Who counts as a billable collaborator?

On a Team plan workspace/base/interface, any collaborators with a permission level of Commenter, Editor, Creator, or Owner are classified as billable. Read-only collaborators are classified as non-billable and completely free of charge. Enterprise Scale and Business plan user collaboration is calculated differently.

How will I be charged for billable collaborators?

Please see this article that includes more details around charges for base and workspace collaborators.

What are permission levels?

Permission levels define what a collaborator can and cannot edit on a workspace or base. Click here for a complete overview of permission levels.

Can I see a list of all my collaborators?

You can see who counts as a billable collaborator on your workspace from your workspace's settings page. You'll see all base and interface collaborators under the Billable Collaborators section. If you click the “Add or manage workspace collaborators” button below that list, you will get a dialog that shows all workspace collaborators (excluding base collaborators).

Can anyone in my workspace invite another collaborator?

Any collaborator can add other collaborators at their permission level or a lower permission level. For example, a commenter can add other commenters or read-only collaborators, but they cannot add an editor or a creator. Read-only collaborators can only invite other read-only collaborators. However, there is a setting that owners can enable to restrict workspace sharing.

What happens if I change the number of billable collaborators on a workspace?

Monthly plans

  • If you add a billable collaborator to a workspace on a monthly plan, you won't be charged until the next monthly billing date (which is typically the same day of the month as when the workspace was first upgraded). On that day, you'll be charged a prorated amount for the period of the previous month during which the collaborator had billable access to the workspace, as well as for the forthcoming month.

  • If you remove a billable collaborator from a workspace on a monthly plan, on the next monthly billing date you will receive a prorated refund of Airtable Credits for the days that the collaborator did not have billable access to the upgraded workspace.

Annual plans

  • If you add a billable collaborator to a workspace on an annual plan, you will initially be charged for the full remaining annual commitment for that collaborator. If you remove a billable collaborator from a workspace on the annual plan, then you will be granted a refund in Airtable credits prorated to the day the collaborator was removed.

    • Adding a collaborator: Three months after upgrading a workspace to an annual Team plan ($240/billable collaborator/year), you add a billable collaborator to the workspace. You would then be charged an additional $180, for the new collaborator's access for the remaining nine months of the annual commitment.

    • Removing a collaborator: Ten months after upgrading a workspace to an annual Team plan ($240/billable collaborator/year), you remove one billable collaborator from the workspace. You would then receive a prorated refund of $40 of Airtable Credits for annual commitment's remaining two months.

Credits FAQs

How do I earn Airtable credits?

You'll receive $10 of Airtable credits for each person you invite to Airtable. You can invite people to use Airtable, and access an Airtable-referral link, from the “Referrals and credits” section of your Airtable account page.

If you would like to invite someone to collaborate with you in Airtable, you will need to add them as a base or workspace collaborator (you will still receive Airtable credits when doing so).

Here are a few scenarios that would result in you not receiving credits:

  • The invitee already has an account.

  • The invitee has not verified their account via email.

  • The invitee has previously accepted another invitation for credits.

How do I reduce my invoice by applying credits?

First, you need to transfer credits from your account to the workspace where you want to apply them. Once credits are applied to a workspace, any future invoices will automatically use any available credits to reduce the invoice amount.

  • In the Billing plan section of the workspace settings page, there is an option to transfer personal credits to the workspace. Clicking the transfer option will bring up a window in which you can enter the number of credits you wish to transfer. You must transfer credits to a specific workspace in order for them to be applied to a bill.

  • You can also apply personal Airtable credits to a workspace from the upgrade checkout screen by clicking the Apply up to $X in credit option above the total.

Can I transfer Airtable credits from my workspace back to my personal account?

Airtable credits can only be transferred from your personal account to a workspace.

Do Airtable credits expire?

Any credits that may accrue to your Airtable Account expire one year following their accrual, or upon expiration or termination of your Airtable Account, whichever is earlier. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any credits accrued to a workspace on a free Subscription Plan will expire if the workspace’s Subscription Plan is not upgraded to a paid Subscription Plan within ninety (90) days of accrual, unless otherwise specified. Credits have no currency or exchange value, and are not transferable or refundable.

How do I view the referrals and credits associated with my account?

You can view any referrals and available credits by:

  1. Opening the Referrals and credits section of your account page.

  2. From here, you can see the total number of credits you have and how you got those credits. You can also see every person you've invited, email out new invites, and find your referral link that you can use to get credits for referring new users.

Are Airtable referral credits earned on the Team plan eligible for use on upgraded plans like Business or Enterprise Scale?

No. Business and Enterprise accounts cannot use or earn credit via referrals.

Refund FAQs

I upgraded a workspace by accident - what should I do?

If you upgraded an Airtable workspace by mistake, you can proceed to downgrade by clicking the plan to the right of the workspace's name.

Upon downgrading, you'll be auto-issued a refund of Airtable credits, prorated to your remaining paid commitment. This credit refund will go through a month after your most recent invoice.

Why am I paying a different amount than I was expecting?

If you upgraded an Airtable workspace by mistake, you can downgrade by following the instructions above. Upon downgrading, you'll be auto-issued a refund of Airtable credits, prorated to your remaining paid commitment. This credit refund will go through a month after your most recent invoice.

I received a charge from Airtable but didn't sign up, what might be occurring?

If you didn't sign up for Airtable but have a charge from us on your credit card statement, we recommend first checking whether a coworker or family member may be using Airtable - in our experience, this accounts for most unexplained charges.

If you are still having issues, clickThree dot speech bubble iconon the lower right corner to contact Airtable Support.

*Please include the details of the charge (date, amount, and last four digits of the credit card)

If I live in a region that legally requires refunds, what should I do to request one?

If you live in a region with a mandatory refund policy, you may be eligible for a refund. As an example, customers living in the European Union are allowed to cancel a paid plan within 14 days of purchase and receive a refund.

We can only issue refunds if you take the following steps within the appropriate period of time (as specified by regional law):

  1. Contact Airtable Support by clickingThree dot speech bubble iconon the lower right corner.

  2. If you live in a region that legally requires us to provide refunds, please let us know which region that is. Not providing this information may cause delays.

What happens when you downgrade a workspace?

Downgrading your workspace's paid plan to Free before the end of the billing cycle means that your workspace will immediately drop down to the Free plan, and will lose access to the additional features provided by paid plans, as listed on our pricing page. You'll be refunded in Airtable credits for any additional time remaining on the previously paid plan commitment.

Cancellation FAQs

How do I cancel just my subscription and keep my account active?

You can cancel your paid subscription by downgrading your workspace to the free plan. You will still have an active Airtable account.

What happens to my shared workspace when I cancel my account?

If you cancel your Airtable account, all of your workspaces are still active if you are sharing your workspace with other collaborators. If you need to delete your Airtable account and all of the workspaces you are the Owner of, you’ll need to delete your workspaces first before deleting your Airtable account. For workspaces that need a new Owner, you likely want to grant another user Owner permissions before deleting your Airtable account.

Billing access and ownership FAQs

How do I access my billing information?

All of your billing information is accessible through the workspace settings page.

Why can’t I see my workspace settings page?

If you are not an owner of a workspace, you will not be able to see the workspace settings page for that particular workspace. Please contact your workspace owner (or admin for Business or Enterprise Scale organizations) if you need access to the workspace settings page.

Can you have more than one workspace owner?

Workspaces can have more than one workspace owner at a time.

How do I transfer ownership of my workspace to another user?

You can transfer ownership of your workspace to another user by following the steps in this article.

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