Applying for non-profit, education, and student Airtable plans

Airtable offers qualifying non-profits and educational institution employees a 50% monthly discount per user on Team plans. We also offer qualifying college and university students 6-24 months of complimentary Airtable access based on the expected graduation date.


Discounts for educational organizations and students with an “.edu” email addresses are different.

Check out our Airtable plans article more on student plans.

What types of organizations qualify for discounted plans?

Only nonprofits and accredited educational organizations qualify for our discount program. Your organizations may be eligible if it:

  • Doesn’t engage in political or legislative activity.

  • Isn’t a government office or department.

  • Isn’t a church, association of churches, or other religious/evangelical organization.

  • Isn’t an organization that attempts to influence public opinion.

  • Isn’t a hospital, care provider, or organization involved with health insurance, group health plans, or related organizations.

  • Isn’t a private grant-making, independent, or operating foundation.

  • Doesn’t discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, political affiliation, beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

  • Doesn’t promote a specific religious affiliation, dogma, or doctrine as part of its mission or in exchange for its services.

Can my currently unregistered nonprofit or educational organization apply for a discounted plan?

No. Airtable requires legal registration or accreditation documentation to qualify for discounted plans. Most US organizations must provide an exemption determination letter from the IRS showing their 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

Educational organizations are required to provide a certification verifying that they are not-for-profit and accredited, which the institution's main administrator often provides.

How long does it take to hear back after applying for a discounted plan?

Airtable typically responds to applicants within 2 business days after submitting an application.

How do I update my existing Airtable account with an “.edu” email address?

Check out our Updating your account details article to learn how to update your account with an “.edu” email address.

How does discounted plan pricing work?

Is Airtable AI eligible for discounted nonprofit and educational plans?

No. Adding Airtable AI AI to nonprofit and educational plans isn’t available.

Are non-profit, education, and student plans available for international customers?

Yes, international customers are eligible for non-profit, education, and student plans. We may need to validate information related to your application.

What happens after being approved for a discounted or Student plan?

After being approved for a nonprofit discount, you need to set up an Airtable account using the email address you submitted with your application. To set up an account:

  1. Create an account with the email address using the email address you submitted with your application.

  2. Contact Airtable Support using that email address and they can modify your account account’s plan type.

Can I add users to a discounted or Student plan workspace?

New collaborators can be added to your discounted workspace at any time. You will also be charged a discounted rate for new collaborators.  

Can I downgrade or change my discounted or Student plan?

Yes. You can downgrade or change your plan at any time.

If you unintentionally downgraded your account:

Contact Airtable Support by clickingThree dot speech bubble iconon the lower right corner.

Directly contacting Airtable Support helps avoid resubmitting a nonprofit or educational organizational approval form by reinstating the discounted workspace.

Will Airtable refund my current paid plan after being approved for a discounted or Student plan?

No. Airtable doesn't refund charges incurred before being approved for a discounted plan. However, we offer prorated refunds in Airtable credits if you subscribe to the discounted Team plan.

For example, suppose you are the sole workspace collaborator on the monthly Team plan ($24/collaborator/month). In that case, you pay $24 at the beginning of the monthly billing cycle. Then, you switch to the discounted Team plan ($12/collaborator/month) halfway through the month—you will be charged $6 on the next billing cycle.

  • $12 for one collaborator for the next month.

  • Subtract a $6 credit—you initially paid $24, but based on your actual usage, you should have paid only $1—half of $24 plus half of $12.

Review our Airtable billing article for additional billing information.

Am I required to re-apply for discounted non-profit and Edu plans each calendar year?

No, non-profit and Education Team plans auto-renew with the discount already applied.

You are only required to reactivate the discount again when you've downgraded to Free and upgraded back to Team—either through a manual action or if a payment fails and your account is automatically downgraded to a Free plan type. Reach out to support for help reactivating your discounted plan.

Can I wait to start my organization’s discounted or Student plan?

Once your organization is approved, you'll have 4 weeks to activate your discounted plan. If you'd like to upgrade on a date more than four weeks out, please reach out to us.

Does Airtable offer tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations?

Yes. However, tax exemptions are manual and only available for paid Airtable plans. Complete this form with the necessary information and documents to apply for tax exemptions.

  • The form above requires you to include your workspace ID. Review our Finding Airtable IDs article for additional information.

  • Free plan workspaces are not billed and don't require tax exemption status.